Saturday, August 23, 2008

Arlington National Cemetery

While in Virginia we took the opportunity to visit the grave sight of a dear friend of ours, Christian Skoglund, who died in a helicopter crash last November. This visit although sad was a much needed moment for both the girls and I. So much happened so quickly after the accident and we were unable to attend the funerals. Visiting the grave sight gave the girls the opportunity to mentally understand as well as physically expressed what they've been feeling over the past year. The Arlington Cemetery was not only a healing experience, but also left us all with an extreme pride/respect for all those who have and are currently willing to sacrificed their lives for us and all the freedoms we receive in the United States of America.


Anonymous said...

My name is Dave Greer, and I was stationed with Gina Giles at Tinker when she was the 964th commander. I am interested in finding her again!. could you please pass my email address to her? It's



Lainee&Baz said...

Wow Shell, thanks for posting this pic of Christian's resting site... it's a sad but beautiful site.