Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thank you God!

My buddy Tony Polizzi preached a great message this morning and part of the message talked about thanking God for the little things in life. You know, when you see that car just in time to hit your brakes and miss it. You slowly press on the gas and say "Thank You God for making sure I didn't hit that guy." Today, after we went to the watering hole, I was driving with my window open and I heard a distinct sound coming from the rear of the car (from the tire). I thought, "I must have picked up a rock that's making some noise in the tread." After about 500 meters, I pulled over only to notice a big, fat screw lodged in my tire. Urrrggg! I thought to myself, we're going to the Venice Airport in two days and there are no "overnight" tire places to patch a tire. There's no way we'll fit all our stuff in the Mini. We drove and listened to the tire make that horrible sounds all the way home. When we got home, I cautiously twisted the screw out with a pair of plyers waiting for that awful "hissing" sound as the air comes rushing out of the tire, but "Thank God," it didn't. It was a big, fat screw, but fortunately very short. I immediately thought of Tony's sermon today and thanking God for the little things in life.
Thank You God!

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