Saturday, February 09, 2008

Living Vicariously Through Sarah

I (Tom) remember when I was growing up, my dad talked about living vicariously through me when I wrestled. He certainly didn't get the chance to do that with my grades. Well, 25 years later, and I'm doing the same thing with Sarah. This girl is scary smart! Ever since she started getting letter grades, it's been all A's. Michelle and I got the privilege of watching Sarah "rake em in" yesterday at the 5th grade awards ceremony. She not only got straight A's for both quarters, but was voted the student with the "Most Perseverance." This girl takes school more serious than any other I've seen. She is a pleasure to have as a kid, especially when she gets most of her homework done on the bus ride home while other kids are busy playing pranks and doing everything else but their homework. So, there it is everyone, I'm living vicariously through my girl because I certainly didn't get these kind of grades:)

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