Monday, February 04, 2008

Carneval a Venezia

Ok, so here are the long awaited photos from Carnevale many of you have been asking me for. As you can see we were there from morning until night. Even though there were periods of rain it was truly a magical experience. The streets were full of people from all around the world joining in all the fun and festivities. Trust me it's much calmer than the States version of Mardi Gras... More of a family affair. We even ended up staying a little longer than originally planned, due to a stop at a great little jazz club. In the end, we only had one hiccup the whole day, which is pretty good considering we had 9 people to keep together in narrow crowed streets. It seems on the train ride home when we got to our stop the doors wouldn't open for us. Our group along with many other travelers ended up riding to the next stop. Normally this would have been a very stressful situation, but after living 5 years in Europe, I've almost come to expect this sort of thing. So we just flagged a cab and it took us back to our cars. All in all, it ended up being a fabulous day. The only thing I might change next year is to possibly rent some Venetian costumes.


MiguelandAllison said...

Hey girl...Looks like a blast! I wish that we had gone this year. I was just telling someone last week we should fly out for Fat Tuesday. Love your new page ypou are so creative:-) Miss you guys! Love Ya, Allison

Unknown said...

Awesome pictures! So wish I was there with you all!