Friday, February 01, 2008

The Fog

This is what I saw this morning as I was driving to pick up a friend of mine. In typical Michelle fashion, I was running late, but this was one morning I wasn't going to risk passing anyone. Usually I consider passing in Italy a competitive sport,but today I could barely see the car in front of me, and it wasn't any better when I headed back home at 3:00 o'clock either... The typical Italian fog folklore is: "Three days of heavy morning fog, watch for bad weather in 90 days,”... I guess that goes along with Groundhog Day and groundhogs looking for their shadow to determine when spring will come, which Hailey very pointedly reminded me of today... She said, "I sure hope that darn Groundhog doesn't see his shadow, because I sure em tired of winter, and the gelato shops need to open soon!"... Don't cha just love the simple truths of children.

1 comment:

Chasing Quintessence said...

I forgot how foggy it can get there. Mmmm. . . gelato, I could sure go for some of that. Nobody makes gelato like Italy. Gelato shops in the states should be ashamed, claiming that they sell Italian style gelato. It's just a poor immitation. ;)