Tom and I are so proud of our girls!!! The first quarter has come to an end and they both received Straight A's on their report cards!!!!!
Hailey's teacher told us that "Hailey Bop"- her pet name for Hailey, is such a joy to have in class and wished all of her students acted just like her! She also told us that Hailey excels in ART and MATH, and commented that she is not only one of the best artists she's seen in the 1st grade in a long time, but also observed her keen sense of fashion! LOL! So it looks as though Hailey is either heading for a career in Fashion Design or Architecture.... Hmmmm!!!!
Sarah's teachers told us that she was "The Model Student"... I was told that she is one of the most conscientious, thorough, and well organized students they have in the 6th grade this year. Sarah excels in READING, WRITING, and SCIENCE... actually they said she excels in everything, but I don't want to sound too proud... So it looks like Sarah is either heading for a career as a Writer or Research Scientist.... Hmmmm!!!!
Either way, both Tom and I are so very proud of them!!!! They both have worked very hard this quarter and are always our PRIDE & JOY!!!!!
way to go girls!! That is hard work and a job well done! Michelle, when are you guys moving back to the states? We do not know when or where we are moving yet. Just waiting for Tom to get a job first!
We're due to rotate back to the states, most likely DC, next July. That will make seven years in Europe. Time to come home.
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